Fluorescent Blue - Print


Fluorescent Blue is a dual representation; at the surface level it is of her bright blue colour, but on a deeper level it is her seemingly flawless outward facade — that “she’s glowing”, but masking inner despair “feeling blue”.

This single line drawing leaves much to the imagination of the viewer. Multiple gazes are present; the lady stares directly at the viewer, while she too feels the gaze of an unknown person, and has craned her neck backward. The viewer is then asked many questions such as: “who is she looking at?”, “who is looking at her, and is she blue as a result of that gaze?”, or “why is she feeling so blue, could it be a broken heart? Or as trivial as no ketchup for her grilled cheese?”.

Professionally printed on heavyweight 100LB matte finish cardstock, unframed.

8” x 8”.

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